Minggu, 08 November 2015

Postcrossing - Explore and Know the world through Postcard

 Di artikel ini aku bakal bahas hobi yang pernah aku gemari dan suka banget pas kelas X semester 2. Hampir 5 bulan aku aktif jadi Postcrosser di web postcrossing ( https://www.postcrossing.com/user/dianmaharani ) dan IG Swap ( @dianpostcard ) tapi sekarang udah Off ngga main postcard lagi karena harus fokus sekolah dan belajar.

Dikutip dari Wikipedia tentang postcrossing
 Postcrossing is an online project that allows its members to send and receive postcards from all over the world. The project's tag line is "send a postcard and receive a postcard back from a random person somewhere in the world!”[3] Its members, also known as postcrossers, send postcards to other members and receive postcards back from other random postcrossers. Where the postcards come from is always a surprise.
Postcrossing is the union of the words "postcard" and "crossing" and its origin "is loosely based on the Bookcrossing site".[4] However, the "crossing" or exchange of postcards works in a different way. A member sends a postcard to another postcrosser and receives a postcard back from a random postcrosser. Exchanges between the same two members only occur once; although direct swaps between members happen, they are not part of the official happenings on the site. The project is completely free and anyone with an address can create an account. However, the postcards themselves and postage fees to mail them are the responsibility of each user.
By June 2015 Postcrossing had more than 554,570 members in 213 different countries[5] who had registered and exchanged over 30 million postcards that have traveled over 151 billion kilometers.[6]
The highest concentration of Postcrossing members reside (in order) in the United States, Russia, China, Taiwan, the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Finland, Belarus, Ukraine and Brazil.[7] Globally, most postcrossers reside in North America, Europe, and East Asia. Of particular note, Postcrossing is popular in eastern European and former-Soviet states. As of January 2012, more than a quarter of the combined total of postcards were sent from Finland, Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus and Ukraine. ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Postcrossing )

Intinya Postcrossing itu tukeran postcard/ kartu pos dengan orang luar negeri. Kita kirim postcard ke LN nanti orang yang kita kirimi postcard bakal balik ngirimin kita postcard.

Postcard luar negeri pertamaku dari Kak Tiwi di Aussie.

Bermula dari aku nerima postcard dari kak Tiwi yang lagi tinggal di Aussie selama 1 tahun. Aku minta untuk dikirimin kartu pos dan akhirnya kak Tiwi nge iya-in kirim postcard ke aku. Aku tunggu sampe awal Januari 2015 ko belum nyampe", aku line ka Tiwi katanya udah dari awal Desember di kirim. Mana ko ngga nyampe" apa alamatnya kurang jelas/ gimana. And finally tanggal 11 Januari baru dateng ini postcard lamanyaa, aussie - indonesia perasaan ngga jauh" amat. But, it's okay pengalaman jadi tau lama perjalanan postcard dari LN ke ID.

Dari situlah aku tertarik banget, buat nerima kartu pos yang gambar-gambarnya tempat wisata/ heritage site di LN. Coba" search di google eh akhirnya  nemu artikel tentang postcrossing dan aku tau web postcrossing cobalah daftar, dan pas daftar langsung disuruh untuk kirim 5 postcard yang udah ditentuin web. Okelah buat percobaan aku tulis nama dan alamat 5 orang itu ada yang dari Japan, Russia, Usa, blgium, dan Taiwan. Akhirnya aku kirim 5 poscard ke 5 alamat berbeda ini. Pasrah deh karena ini pake perangko ngga tau nyampenya kapan.

November 8, 2015
Diyanti Maharani

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